PLH is the range of refrigeration dryers for medium pressure compressed air applications (e.g., PET bottle production) and is highly robust and efficient. The layout is simple and ergonomic, the components guarantee functionality and efficiency, and an excellent performance due to the dew point stability and limited pressure drop. The units are equipped with a machine management electronic controller (Industry 4.0 ready). Starting from the PLH15 model, the module is a brazed stainless-steel plate with copper alloy that incorporates the air-to-air exchanger and the highly efficient air-coolant exchanger in a single unit. The air connection pipes and condensate separator vessel are made of stainless steel. Starting from the PLH 210 model, the heat exchanger unit boasts the innovative independent module configuration. The air-to-air and air-coolant exchangers consist of two separate stainless-steel plates which, combined with the air piping and external demister condensate separator, form an innovative “exchanger” assembly that offers greater pulsation resistance and a single air circuit path. A stainless-steel demister condensate separator is used for all versions. Water-cooled versions are available on demand.
Data refer to the following nominal condition: ambient temperature + 25 °C; inlet air pressure 40 barg; inlet air temperature +35 °C.