The FCT ECO-FRIENDLY range of refrigerant cycle dryers has been developed recently to replace traditional refrigerants with the latest generation. The R513a refrigerant gas has a low environmental impact (GWP = 613 CO2 ton/eq), under applicable European and international regulations. Based on the tried and tested ACT range, it has a low energy consumption, even under extreme load conditions. This is due to the ALU-DRY exchanger reduced pressure drop, latest generation compressors, control valve, hot gas by-pass and capacitive drains (standard from FCT180 and optional for lower sizes). The +3°C dew point is maintained even when operating conditions change.
The range standard electronic controllers are equipped with an RS485 port for connectivity to the company’s management system (INDUSTRY 4.0 ready). Water-cooled version on demand from FCT55.
Data refer to the following nominal condition: ambient temperature + 25 °C; inlet air pressure 7 barg; inlet air temperature +35 °C.